Welcome to our Web Cabaret.
If friend, we greet you heart & hand.
If stranger, such no longer be.
If foe, our love shall conquer thee.
If friend, we greet you heart & hand.
If stranger, such no longer be.
If foe, our love shall conquer thee.
Cowboys on Mars? A Space Opery has been a long labor of love and distraction. Imagining how our children's progeny will pioneer a way-up-west planet and establish humankind's first extraterrestrial outpost in space has consumed countless hours of bliss and gratification. Many souls present and past have contributed their talent, time and hearts to seeing the work to its ultimate manifestation of our generations aspirations to peacefully and purposely explore and inhabit our sister planet, Mars.
Mars 2169 will be a BoomStar, beckoning adventurers to come and face the difficult reality of opening new territories for exploration and exploitation. The every-man, woman and child of these difficult days will work in harmony or die trying to live in an unforgiving atmosphere. This aint easy Earth folks, and we aint Martians, yet.
No soldiers are needed in this peaceful planetary environment. War and weapons were left on earth. Here all conflicts and concerns are addressed with harmonious communication through thoughtful resolution by kind words, moving music and expressive dance. Although the Crystal Pueblo and the BuckyDome is rocking and wobbling, our pioneers are bucking it out with guts, grit and rhythm.
Welcome aboard… Hope you enjoy the journey and it suits your fantasy of the near future and moves you lend a hand in seeing Cowboys on Mars? someday soon, Live & In-Person on a moon lit Arizona sky-stage… Yaw… Who…!
Why knot?